Journaling down my thoughts and lessons learned from the bible and life.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Powerful Movies to Watch
Movie to watch:
Schindler's List
The Count of Monte Cristo 2002
Field of dreams
Life is Beautiful
Forrest Gump
Pay it Forward
Patch Adam
Shawshank Redemption
Its a Wonderful Life
Good Will Hunting
Chariotsof Fire
Remember the Titans
I believe there are more. You can reply to add to this list!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
New changes
Thursday, November 30, 2006
A Young Japanese in Singapore

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Swing to Destruction!
It says that Singapore started to have a club where people meet, get to know each other and then have sex but some even come as husband and wife! The Chinese translation is "换妻具乐部" which literally means "change wife club"! I thought that people in Singapore are starting to get really corrupted morally. I thought people will do anything to please their pleasures, sounded as if we are some brain-less wild animals. Some of these members even have a family! Much are living a double standard life. I hope I don't sound self-righteous but I seriously think this is not right. The news just reported that is an increasing number of AIDS victims here, more than a thousand have died, more to come. Of course, not forgetting, a climbing divorce rate. I thought how important we need to emphasis on moral education, but as a Christians, I would suggest you find a good church to teach your whole family the Bible and see what the Bible says. Even then, I also need to guard myself against much temptations arising everywhere now. Lately I'm thinking how can I be on the offensive side rather be on the defensive side, I mean spiritually. Not as if I'm going to start a movement to stop all these clubs.
Well, I definitely do hope that the government can do something since the Police so far can't find complaints to take actions against these clubs. But I think there are much work to be done here, not just to do "fire fighting". We need to educate the younger generations correctly and of course keep emphasis on family life education. I'm so glad that HOPE WORLDWIDE has something here to help families, and of course not forgetting the Movie Therapy. I really do hope that something can be done, for now I'll keep praying and talking to the brothers about such temptations. All these also reminded me to be so appreciative of my wife, and spending more time with her. Don't take your marriage for granted, it's God's blessings! If you really love your wife and people around you, have some indignation against such devilish conducts and thoughts!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Ten Healed of Leprosy - Being Grateful
11Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between
14When he saw them, he said, "Go, show yourselves to the priests." And as they went, they were cleansed.
15One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.
17Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" 19Then he said to him, "Rise and go; your faith has made you well." Luke 17:11-19
The service yesterday was mind-blowing, hearing from the Koreans, Japanese leaders’ convictions and gratitude really moves and convicts my heart. It’s always refreshing to hear from foreign speakers but yesterday was a very special time for the leaders there. It’s a time to celebrate your relationship with God and the friendship they had, and of course the unity between the different churches. I felt it’s really amazing to have brothers and sisters from different countries to have the same convictions and love for God and people in their countries. I thought how timely it’s for Takeshi to preach about the ten people healed of leprosy.
Sometimes I really took for granted the things that I have, especially the most basic things, like my hands to touch, to do work, my functioning brain, my almost perfect eyesight, my hearing, my limbs. And different relationships that I can enjoy, my wife, my mum, my friends, I thought the older I got, the more I felt these things are really important, but many times because of pride and forgetfulness, I often took these for granted and even cause much hurt to myself and others. I often need reminders from different things, or people or even God’s lesson to remind myself to really appreciate these things and people in my life. Ultimately, it comes down to praising the Creator, the one who allow all these to happens, gave these to me. I think as human we must always learn to be grateful for any small little things that happen in our life. It will make us feel more happy and positive about life, also more appreciative. Don’t wait till it’s too late to appreciate people you love, else whatever you do after that, it’s simply meaningless. I just thanked my wife and praise her for being serving last night when Yudai and Alex were at my house. She felt great and I also feel happy so isn’t it beautiful. So do something today. And if you want to thank someone that you are alive today, thanks God!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Weiwen and Jovan
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Wealth Wisdom - Me and June on TV!

On that day, June and I were also been interviewed and now we appeared on ChannelNewsAsia for this commercial. I managed to captured the clip and it's shown below. As for what I commented in the interview, my definition of "soon" means one year later, so don't expect surprises. Ha!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Con-job Surveyors
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Congrats to WeeChung and Serene!
Attended WeeChung and Serene’s wedding yesterday or actually few hours back. Finally both are married, thinking both are my seniors, they definitely have me and my wife’s blessings. I think this is the first time I attended a church wedding in the evening. I must say it’s quite refreshing. WeeChung booked the Straits Hall which is the bigger hall in the building, so as to “contain” his students, ha! WeeKeong ministered his brother’s wedding and Chiping is the translator in Mandarin. There were also a few contemporary performances, really classic, really jazzy, and not bad, I quite like it. I’m happy to see Dylan and Miki there. Hope they have been doing fine. Wish they would be happy to join the church more often. Anyway, wish all the best to WeeChung and Serene’s marriage and welcome to another stage of life, welcome to the club, the real thing, your journey has just started! Cheers!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Game of Mafia
Anyway, I don't like this game, too long winded, people will always argue their guts out, can bring out alot of bad attitudes! I will always volunteered to be killed but no one always suggest me to be killed, ha! So here is the game we played few weeks back, where we played for 2-3 hours, I almost died watching them play, this group got so much to argue about, haiz. These people can't guess who's the real mafia, end up killing all the innocent, then they realise the two who looked the most innocent are actually the mafia! One is my wife and the other is Celine, amazing! I must say my wife is really good at acting. I actually have more exciting clips but I will surely be killed by Yvette if I post them up, so here's the more friendly video, ha!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Raphael and Irene leaving the ministry
Raphael and Irene have decided to leave the Ministry. After much thinking and asking of advices, they made this decision themselves and hope the rest of us will respect their decision. The reason for them to leave the ministry is ‘cos of “family dynamics”. Initially, I couldn’t take it very well but after much praying and talking to people, I’m more resolved. It’s really sad to see them go. I could still remember 5 years back when they first came to lead the East. It was really a revolution. I think a lot of people really benefited from their leadership. I respected them a lot. I appreciated Raphael a lot, ‘cos he was there to understand me when my dad passed away and did my wedding, and help my wife and I to serve in the Seremban mission. There are just so much memories. And definitely I learnt much more from them. It’s really not easy to lead the East, a bunch of “Old and Wise” people. But they continue to persevere to love and lead us. Raphael and Irene broke the news last night and both cried and the rest of us also cry. It just shows how much friendship and love was there. All of us hope it would not end this way but who knows; it may be a great start for them in another direction. I hope they will continue to serve people in other places because they are just so hardworking and sacrificial. Their love and talent should continue to put into good use. I believe much more people elsewhere could benefit from their leadership. I hope we can all encourage them in our own ways of expressing gratitude.
Monday, November 13, 2006
We need desires to survive
Phua Hee preached a great lesson yesterday. You can get it here. Basically lesson is about we need to have a spiritual desire. Many people are very distracted and bothered by their material desires, forgeting about their spiritual desires. Even then, I thought now a days many people are simply dreaming of being rich but simply no clue on how to get rich. So they work day and night and miss out precious things and people in their lives. Sadly, there's another group, where they simply have no desires for any thing, just live their life, to eat, sleep, work. They are like zombies or animals. Since the year is coming to an end, why not think about what you would like to achieve in the coming 3 months, 6 months, 1 year! Draft out a rough plan, then expand to a more detail one. When you have a plan and goals, you are bound to succeed. Still I would like to encourage you to think of your spiritual needs also.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Friends from Hong Kong

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Crying Game
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Treasure your love ones
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Baby Therapy
Saturday, November 04, 2006
So good to have friends
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Gray hair: To pluck or not to pluck
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I think we read and heard this too many times but how can this be put into practise? I thought no matter how well or how lousy we did in the past, it will not affect the future. It is the present that will made a difference to the future. So take hold of what you have now, including your emotions and take a leap of faith to plan for your future. Take action today!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Eng Seng Pepper Crab Time!

Eng Seng Restaurant 241 Joo Chiat Place
(junction of Still Road and Joo Chiat Place)
5pm - 10pm closed on Wednesday
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I'm embarrassed
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Concerts and Financial Seminar

Thursday, October 19, 2006
A new baby girl

Congratualations to Vannon and Jean for their first born. It's a girl, Erika Vianne Chiang, born October 13th, 2006 @5:18pm Canada time. I'm sure both of them are really excited. I wonder how's it like, won't be so fast for me. Those who know them can send them a message. You can go their photos gallery
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Adapt to new enviroment
I’m still trying to get use to the new working environment. No instant messaging now, no yahoo mail, Hotmail, and there’s really very little time for me to blog during office hour. I need to readjust my daily schedule again. Now I have to wake up at 6am Monday to Friday, really early. Previously I woke up at 715am. Now I have to sleep earlier. I’m got tired easily recently so I need to do something about this new working environment. Well, if the environment changes, either I change myself or I change my environment again. I’m considering both. Anyway, now I just want to re-evaluate my strength and weakness, keeping improving my network knowledge, keeps increasing my energy level and taking my spirituality even higher. But I’m not really happy of the haze condition in
Thursday, October 12, 2006
New environment, New friends
I’m now outsourced to a new customer’s site for a month. Today was my first day there. Initially, I was wondering it’s going to be hard trying to mix into the current team of support there. The small team comprised of a woman and 2 men. Surprisingly, I was the youngest there, I think so. It’s been some time that I have been active in desktop support in an enterprise environment. It’s different from a small office environment, which I’m more confident in these 2 years. But the staff there is very helpful and friendly, I’m thankful for the help. Then I managed to strike up much conversation with the head of the small team. Found out that he stayed very near my church. Married with a coming 2 year old girl; and he’s also looking for childcare. Amazingly he’s open to the childcare in my church! I’m sure going to get whatever info he needs. His wife used to go to church but stopped after moving to Punggol. Now I’m thinking how I can invite them to come and have a look in my church. I pray something can work out, actually something already happened here, I just need to grab this opportunity to build up friendship. But strangely, both of us have things in common, we think something in common also; we were also in Navy before. These really make our conversation really interesting. Hopefully things work out. I’m quite happy today. It’s a great first day in a new environment. New environment may not always be bad, just remember this.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Death Note the movie

If you were taking MRT train in Singapore recently, you probably might noticed a poster with two guys, and the words "Death Note". It's a movie that will be showing on 19th of October 2006. The story is actually taken from a Japanese Manga, with the same name. I got to read the comic quite some time back,, I thought it's really exciting because of the chase between the good guy and the bad guy. I seldom read a story from the bad guy point of view and got excited but this story did it pretty well. Probably you can understand some criminal pyschology here. Anyway, the story talks about a top student accidently got a book which when you write a person's name in it, the person will die shortly. He thought he wants to change the world by killing all the criminals but was pursued by another super smart investigator, L. So if you like mystery, you probably may like it, but I must warn you, the story will grow darker with each second. Here's the trailer also, enjoy!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Adidas Factory Outlet in Novena Square
Last week while I was waiting for Ronald in Novena Square, I found an Adidas factory outlet. I was so excited because they were selling items from the previous 2 seasons at a much discounted price! The shop is located at #02-30/32 beside the MPH bookstore. They really have many good items, men’s, ladies’, bags, tons of shoes, all kinds of sports wears. The best thing is they are having at least 30% discount on every item in this store, some even have 50% discount! I bought 2 jogging singlet and they only cost $12.90 after discount, and I also bought June a top and a pair of exercise pants for her Hip-hop sessions starting tomorrow. (YES, she’s learning how to dance, I’m so happy, finally she starts to exercise.) The bad thing maybe they may not have your size if you size normal. But if you were to go there regularly, I’m sure you’ll be able to get something you like. So if you want to start exercising seriously, get the right set of apparel here. I’m sure you will feel more motivated to exercise and reap better results.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Faith and Confidence
Sometimes I thought it's so important to build ourselves up with confidence. Some Christians would say their confidence is their faith in God. I really agree that but it's not easy to always act that way. You can respond terribly to a lousy situation e.g. been accused, got fired by boss, lost wallet. And still claim you have faith in God. I think confidence is not a matter of just having a belief but you have to convince yourself that you really believe. How to know you are convinced? By simply looking at how your body respond. Are you frowning all day, back arched, head down, shallow breathing, what are you thinking man? Apparently, it takes quite abit of effort to be down, so today why don't you use these effort that makes you down, to convince yourself that God is really in control. How do you really feel when you know God is in action? You get fired up! You'll look good, feel good. You'll react differently even if something disappointing is happening.
You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. - Hebrews 10:34
It says here even if your property is confiscated, you'll be fired up if you have the confidence and the faith in God. Because God has given His promise to us. Do you remember what's the promise is? Think of what your Creator has promised you. What better and lasting possessions it means here? Go find out! Take hold of it today and change the way you think. Have a great day!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
BibleBowl 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
David Lim's Cheese Cake Making Instructions
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Pooh's English
Singapore Smoking
Recently, the view in
Monday, October 02, 2006
Don't be lazy
Here in the Bible, Paul urges the Christians not to be lazy but inmitate those who has set the example. I thought this verse can also be used by anyone else. We all know that we should not be lazy every single day but sometimes our heart is willing, the body is weak. Basically this is just plain laziness unless you are deprived of rest. I thought even the Bible want us to be hardworking and inmitate those who are faithful. Many times, I denied myself to do anything but now I'm training my mind and body to listen to me, to produce more. And it's really possible. The best thing is to have someone whom you can follow and modeled after. And you will be soon following the path to success in whatever you have chosen.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Advanced Scissors Paper and Stone
Friday, September 29, 2006
Ringtone that adults can't hear?
Thursday, September 28, 2006
One loss should not lead to another
"Even the toughest people need to take time to grieve. And often, the tougher you are, the harder it can be and the longer it can take. "
I thought how true this is for me. My dad's 4th death anniversary is coming up. Sometimes, I still wonder have I got over it or am I still confuse about it. You can choose to be bitter or you can choose to let go and move on but life goes on. The future is waiting for you.
Bindi Irwin's speech
"My Daddy was my hero - he was always there for me when I needed him.
"He listened to me and taught me so many things but most of all he was fun.
"I know that Daddy had an important job. He was working to change the world so everyone would love wildlife like he did.
"He built a hospital to help animals and he bought lots of land to give animals a safe place to live.
"He took me and my brother and my mum with him all the time. We filmed together, caught crocodiles together and loved being in the bush together.
"I don't want Daddy's passion to ever end.
"I want to help endangered wildlife just like he did.
"I have the best Daddy in the whole world and I will miss him every day.
"When I see a crocodile I will always think of him and I know that Daddy made this zoo so everyone could come and learn to love all the animals.
"Daddy made this place his whole life and now it's our turn to help Daddy."
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
A different set of test
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Singapore Idol 2006

Surprisingly I was at the Singapore Indoor Stadium last night to witness the "crowning" of the next Singapore Idol. I'm not a super fan of any of the contestants but I do noticed something simiar between the previous final and this year's. It's a competition between a Malay and a Chinese again and the Chinese lost again. And I thought, these people don't really get it especially the young chinese girls. Anyway, I thought Jonathan was much better than Sly. I believe even he got second, he will be offered a contract and he will definitely do better than Hady. Because of the music market he is penetrating. Hady and Taufik probably just emigrate to Indon or Malaysia, they will be soon forgotten by all these cutsy little chinese girls. It was funny last night 'cos got one of the Channel 8 reporter interviewed me regarding Jonathan. Think she had a hard time finding someone to interview 'cos she was at Hady's fan area and also many can't speak proper mandarin, ha! Anyway, she asked me why I support Jonathan. For the first NG, I said "因为我们都是华人!" haha! Then kena cut and ask me to try again. So I gave a very professional and political correct answer, and they say I said it very well. Thank you. After living in Singapore for 27 years, I have learnt the game. So I hope the rest will do too.I don't think I will appear on TV since Jonathan lost, anway it's not my first interview. All the best Jon and ...Hady! Hey Taufik, you still go to Tampines Mall now?
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Singapore Dreaming

Just watched “Singapore Dreaming” on Tuesday. I thought it was a really good movie. I went in thinking it was a typical
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Spoilt Brat

saw a spoilt brat the other day while I was at Plaza Singapura, Times Bookshop. This plump boy was like 9-10 years old. He was lying flat on the floor among two bookselves, reading comics! I was thinking how do you expect people to walk across or to even browse the books! BTW whose kid is this? Where's the mummy? A bookshop lady walked past and said,"I'm sorry but you can't lie down there". Imagine saying this to a kid! I can sense the agony 'cos if she were to use insensitive words, she might offend the boy's mum who might be nearby. The funny thing is I was there for 40 minutes but I still didn't see this boy's mum. As I was leaving, I saw this boy really excited ran back to the comics bookselves and guess what he did. He tore open the wrapper of a new comic book and took it back to his corner to read it. I can't believe it. I felt like grabbing this boy and scolding him, "do you have some manners?!", "你妈妈没教你吗?!" Totally ridiculous. I believed the mum probably go somewhere else and dumped the son there for some time. I thought the mum ought to teach her son. It shows today parents are probably not putting enough effort on teaching their children but more effort to earn money to give to their kids in term of education, material possessions and their big fat bellies! Watch out!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Keep praying and changing
Life has been quite boring or should I say, just feel so little energy yet there’s like thousands of things to do. I hate to feel lethargic or even lazy. Probably it’s normal since I’m making some decision to seriously change a few areas in my life. Especially the harvest month is coming; I need to get my heart right. I hope I can move on to a more positive and spiritual self and pulling my wife along. She’s awesome, I love her very much! Seeing her so depressed recently really saddens me but I’m changing my associations in my head so that I can think straight rather than been even more negative, also to rely and trust God more. Im glad I got time to pray with Steven and Jason for Semed and
Monday, September 11, 2006
June is discouraged
Friday, September 08, 2006
Run away disciples

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Quiz on chapter 5
Man, quiz on chapter 5 of my church deep teaching series. This time really crack my head. I need to gather all my memory power ‘cos there so much to remember, dates, verses, events. Though I love Church history and theologies but the time is too little. Nevertheless, I’ll still give whatever I can, hopefully I’ll pass the quiz. But I’m proud of the new knowledge I gathered on Sinner’s Prayer. It’s amazing how this method is never in the Bible and only popularized in the 1940s yet so many people now, trust their salvation with it. I thought the world sure come out with a lot of crap even in the religious area. I hope I can make good use of the new knowledge I got. For those who wants to read on the history of Sinner’s Prayer, I hope more people would thirst more of the real truth!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The crocodile hunter is died

Steve Irwin, the famous Australian Crocodile hunter was pronounced died yesterday due to deadly stung by a stingray. You can always found Steve on reptitle shows on Animal Planet. Never imagaine he would die at 44. Though I don't know him personally but everyone can sense his passion and zeal over those animals. Haven't seen someone like him probably except Tarzan. I always thought he would probably be betrayed by his "close friends" the crocs, and bitten to death, never woulf I thought he would die by an animal which Singaporeans love to eat so much. Sometimes I wonder why passionate people always die young like Bruce Lee and Jesus, well, basically you will never know what will happen to anyone, no matter passionate or not. So treasure whatever you have now and take time to appreciate your love ones and seek the truth before you can't. I wish the best for his family, his wife and his young children. May God speed His love to them.
The Devil don't wear Prada here

Friday, September 01, 2006
Yes, life is unfair
Sometimes, throughout the day, I would think about different things that lead to comparing me with people. Things like; how come my good friend now has a great job, he owned a house, even got a side business and he only got a diploma. And I don’t feel good of my own life, felt like I have no control to make it better. I thought this is unfair. Then sometimes I would start to irrationally judge others; how come this ugly man ends up with such a beautiful and lovely woman. Sometimes, I would wonder how come this manager manages terribly but he got promotions frequently. Sometimes I would even think how come people of my age they still have their parents to take care of them but my dad passed away early. When I think back, I have many regrets. I felt that I have missed out on many good relationships. Relationships which if I had put in some effort then, I know I could have held them till now. I’m glad that the Bible and the church taught me many things to appreciate things in life now. I learnt how to build great relationships, how to love, how to encourage, how to handle disputes. I started to understand the mighty love of God. How it’s much better to give than to receive. I would encourage you to read the Bible in Mathew 18:21-35, it talks about Jesus sharing a parable regarding how a Master initially wants to punish a slave for not settling his huge debts. But as the slave knee down to beg for mercy, the master decides to show great compassion and cancel the servant’s debt and let him go. But when the servant went off and saw a fellow servant who owns him a tiny sum, he threatens him to pay back. But this fellow servant decides to knee down and beg for mercy. The servant refused mercy and throws this fellow servant to prison. When the master founds out, he summoned the servant and threw him back to prison to be tortured. Other than learning about great compassion and mercy here and also to show forgiveness to others, I also learnt something else. The forgiven servant was still thinking what his fellow servant owned him. He was so consumed with the unfairness that he forgotten that he actually had just been forgiven and debts canceled by his master! When we compared with others, many times we would think about if this situation is fair to us, most likely it would not be fair. If everyday, we keep thinking about what’s fair or unfair to us, we will end up bitter about every little thing. Focusing on these throughout the day, our mind and heart don’t even have space for other things. I believe people can fall into depression just because of this. Basically I thought there’s no such thing as fair or unfair in this world, it’s just an illusion. Definitely, the son of God, Jesus dying on the cross for the world is totally unfair to Him. And also how many times would you remember people being nice to you but actually they may be doing something unfair to someone else so just to be “fair” to you. People are always thinking of their own interest first. But I am still learning to put others’ interest above me, definitely trying my best to put God’s interest as number one. So never judge others, or compare them to you, we made our life more difficult when we try to play judge. Everyone has a different life and background so leave the judgment to God. Just learn to be contended with what you have and show compassion to others. Whatever blessings coming your way, knowing that these are God’s blessings. You would feel much better and more motivation to move on in life. I wish you all the best!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Today is Jason Ong's birthday
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
A Long Day
Monday, August 28, 2006
Acne Outbreak!

Saturday, August 26, 2006
Genpets real?

Before I thought man, this world is going crazy, I found this site ( so it says it's a hoax. I really believe its a hoax. Can't imagine there are such things running around, at least I pray that God would not allow such things to happen, imagine next time your maid comes in a plastic! Ha!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Customer Service
I just came back from
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Keep fit!