As some of you might know, June and I have decided to do missionary work in Seremban, Malaysia. Probably for at least a year or two. I thought it's really good for us, no matter in our love for people, our spirituality, our family planning or even our current city-life-stress-intake, there's just pros for all (even to avoid the loud noises from our flat lift upgrading). Anyway, we were in Seremban trying to look for a condo to rent. The idea is that it must be safe, convenient, and has great facilities like a BBQ pit, function room, swimming pool and gym, will be really good. But sad to say, since Seremban is a small town, there's not a lot of condo, since it make more sense for them to utilize their big land and build houses. So the condo we saw was not really impressive, I would say it's a super humble condo. There's a security, a small condo office, a swimming pool which actually the size of a children pool. There's no function room, BBQ pit needed to be rent at RM$100, no gym, a table-tennis table that needs to be set up. The condo is not very well maintained both on inside and the outside. The only 2 lifts looked old and slight vandalised. When we saw the apartment that we supposed to rent, it's decent but the owner already have a confirmed tenant coming in unless we give him a better offer than RM$1100 per month. Hmm, I thought let's move on, beside I don't really have a good feel and vision of friends coming here enjoying the fellowship here. We moved on to see more condo but when we went around, we realised there's not a lot of condo for rent, mostly for sale. So with no choice, we went to look for houses. There are many houses there but I'm only impressed with the one in Green Stream Estate. It fulfilled some of the criteria, like it's secure, hourly guard patrol, near to S2 Jusco shopping mall. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 toilets, a small garden, really cool. I can imagine the Singapore Christians coming over to stay, nice. I especially like the small empty field just 5 steps beside the house. I can imagine doing BBQ, funtime on the field, nice. Hopefully the neighbors would not mind the crowd if it gets too excited! Please pray for us that we can get this house!